sábado, agosto 18, 2012

ssl y cherokee

Nadie va a negar que godaddy vende certificados muy baratos en comparación con verisign, así que  para empresas de nueva creación godaddy es la opción... Y por barato los problemas no tardan en aparecer.

Nuestro certificado marcó problemas con dispositivos móviles. En concreto no reconocía a la autoridad certificadora. Luego de investigar y de no tener idea en que parte había hecho las cosas mal descubrí en el siguiente blog la solución al problema... Y era tan simple como concatenar el archivo gd_bundle al certificado:

$cat gd_bundle.crt >> dominio.com.crt

powered by cherokee

Dejo la nota original.

After trying many things, and contacting godaddy, who told me they did not support Cherokee, I finally managed to figure out how to get it to work. The answer is pretty simple, if you follow the rest of the directions about setting up SSL with Cherokee, pointing your virtual server to the correct ssl certificate (Ours was fluidsurveys.com.crt) and the proper key (fluidsurveys.com.key) there was no place to input the gd_bundle.crt (The inermediate certificate package that godaddy provided us). The solution is to combine your site certificate (fluidsurveys.com.key) with your bundle certificate, root certificate, or intermediate certificates. To do this, simply make a backup of your site certificate (fluidsurveys.com.crt), then cat the intermediate bundle with the original site certificate.  “cat gd_bundle.crt >> fluidsurveys.com.crt” This should now solve your issue with IE6 not recognizing the issuer of your SSL certificate.

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